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Gary Morgan - Lighthouse Holiness Ministries
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Morgan

J. Sidlow Baxter once penned these words
concerning the Bible:

This is the greatest book on earth,
Unparalleled it stands;
Its author God, its truth divine
Inspired in every word and line
Tho’ writ by human hands.

This is the living rock of truth
Which all assaults defies.
O’er every stormy blast of time
It towers with majesty sublime;
It lives, and never dies.

This is the volume of the cross;
Its saving truth is sure;
Its doctrine pure, its history true,
Its Gospel old, yet ever new,
Shall evermore endure

Since their marriage in September of 1979 Gary and Brenda have spent 44 years in full time ministry.  Over the course of these years they have pastored three churches, and have been missionaries in the country of Mexico since 1993. Their ministry has been among the outcasts of society (drunks, drug addicts, prostitutes, and street children); those in the ghettos and slums, as well as those incarcerated in 14 prison facilities in the states of Durango, Coahuila, and Tamaulipas, Mexico. For the past 25 years Gary has served as a chaplain in the two prisons of Reynosa and Santa Adelaida; both in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. These studies were originally created for the inmates in the penal system of Mexico.

There are many good Bible study courses on the market, but we feel that these studies are unique among those that we have seen. One of the greatest benefits of using these studies is that they help the user to focus his mind on his reading.  How often have you read a chapter or two and then, at the end of your reading, wondered what it was that you had just read?  Without personal commentary, or opinion, these studies help one’s mind to stay focused upon God’s Living Word.   

Psalms 138:2  “I will worship toward the holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

It is our humble opinion that the Word of God itself is its own best commentary. It has also been said that the Bible is the only book that when it is opened the author is present with the reader. It is our heart-felt desire that these studies will be a beneficial tool for your personal or corporate Bible study.  We also hope that these studies will be as great a blessing to you in completing them as they were for us in their creation.